Mike Constantino Skillful Antics

Team Profile: Mike Constantino

Get to know Mike Constantino, the Web Developer at Skillful Antics.

At which store would you like to max out your credit cards?

eBay will be the death of me one day…

How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?

Under a year!

Which way should toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?

Over – every other way is balderdash!

What can you simply not resist?

The Canadian chocolate, Smarties. Those things are delicious.

Mike Constantino Skillful Antics

What is your favorite website, why?

teamtreehouse.com – it’s where I learn everything

If you could go back in time to any era, which would it be?

I would go back and watch God pop everything into Creation. That would be awesome.

Is it about winning/losing or just having fun when you play the game?

Having fun, and winning while doing so ;D

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

Telekinesis. I hate reaching for the remote.

What is your favorite entertaining past time?

I love just sitting back and listening to music.

Chose a title for the story of your life:

“The Man with the Plan”

What was your favorite TV show when growing up?

Spongebob!! My dad could do a mean impression!

What, if anything, have you ever re-gifted?

I don’t regift things. I just return them and pay bills 🙂

What’s playing in your car right now?

Trip Lee’s “The Good Life”

What character trait do you most admire?

Cheerfulness. There is no point to complaining 🙂

If a genie gave you a wish what would you wish for?

Knowledge and Wisdom to the world. We’re lacking it…

What is the one thing you cannot do without?

My music.

What would you be doing if you weren’t at your current job?

… trying to find a job? 😀

If you could choose one amenity to add to the workplace, what would it be?

I mean, we have double monitors – why not go triple? 🙂

What was the worst punishment you received at school?

1 day suspension

What is the worst pet you have ever had?

My overly obese goldfish

If you could live to see one future event, what would it be?

Nothing. Let life roll out the way it’s supposed to, and I’ll sit back and watch.

Who would you most like to meet and why?

Rand Paul. LOVE that guy!

Best advice anyone has given you?

“Slow down, man”

What movie or novel character do you most identify with?

ha..ha.. Goofy… yea..

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in the last year?

You can’t get things done without jumpstarting them.

Mike Constantino Skillful Antics

Do you know any good riddles or brain teasers? If so – let’s have it:

I’m really bad with these. So, no.

Are you married, do you have children?

Nope and nope!

What’s the 1 piece of advice you would give others about life?

Understand that God is in control.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?

What I do at work – sit in front of a computer and code!

Do you have any strange phobias?

I am really outgoing! Usually not afraid of much!

How would you describe yourself?

A people’s person, with a love for all things tech.

If you were to tell one person “Thank You” for helping me become the person I am today, who would it be and what did they do?

Thanks mom 🙂

Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know_____.

I’m nuts.

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