
Content Delivery Network

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers that work together to deliver content to users as quickly and efficiently as possible. CDNs are used by websites to improve the speed and performance of their online content, and they are an essential part of modern website hosting.

How Does a Content Delivery Network Work

When someone visits a website, their request for content is routed through the internet to the server where the website is hosted. The distance the data has to travel and the number of hops it takes can impact the speed at which the content is delivered. A CDN helps to minimize this distance and improve the overall speed of the website.

CDNs work by storing copies of a website’s content on servers located in strategic locations around the world. When a user requests content from a website, the CDN routes the request to the server closest to the user. Which reduces the distance the data has to travel and improves the speed at which the content is delivered.

CDNs are especially important for websites with a global audience or websites that receive a lot of traffic. They can help to reduce the load on a single server and improve the overall performance of the website.

We Include CDNs

At Skillful Antics, we understand the importance of CDNs and include one with every website we host at no additional charge. Our team provides our clients with fast and reliable hosting solutions. We believe that a CDN is an essential part of achieving that goal.

Let’s Begin Working Together

In short, a CDN is a network of servers that helps to improve the speed and performance of a website. This is done by reducing the distance data has to travel. By including a CDN with every website we host, Skillful Antics is committed to providing our clients with the best possible hosting experience. Contact us to learn more about hosting your website today!

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